The Rattlin’ Blog
News and Ideas from Camp Foley
With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.
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Club Paradise- How to become a member
We want to grow together! A big part of the Camp Foley experience is the community formed between campers during the session. It is amazing to see the bonds formed between campers from different...
Help… I Miss My Kid!
We've all been homesick before, right? It perfectly normal whenever you go to a new place. But have any of you parents gotten Kidsick?! Camps talk about homesickness a lot and the different ways we...
Getting Lost on the Wolf Trail
I, Ally Daily, had a super fun experience at our Twin Cities Pizza Party. I ran into a camper, Genevieve K., who reminded me of a crazy moment from 2018. I wasn't always the Girl's AD, before that I...
Giving them Roots and Wings
Let's give our kids Roots and Wings. Below is an excerpt from a wonderful blog by Cally Worden. Cally gives some excellent insight in her article “Roots and Wings: How to Give Your Kids the Best...
Banquet or Alpha Games?
Ready for a throwback? Let's compare our past with our present! What were the banquets like back in the day and how do they compare to Alpha Games? Camp Foley Banquets The Camp Foley banquets were...
Archery vs. Riflery
Are they so different after all? Archery and Riflery are two of the most popular activities here at Foley. They are obviously different but can be linked as the two most prolific projectile sports...
Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:
The Enviro Center Closes (for the Season)
Enviro Ed - Week 1 Today at exactly 1:39 PM we said goodbye to our last students from Environmental Education for the season. We had an AWESOME three weeks that included ten schools and 431...
TBT – Evan Recalls “Barefooting” in 2005
Dan Lamm (left) as a counselor in 2005. This is one of those memories that I will never forget from camp. It is still as clear as it was the day it happened. I was in Dan Lamm’s, or as some...
2013 Preview: Meet the CITs!
We know how much you all love the CITs. They are cool. They know everything about camp. They are awesome role models. And they sing the loudest at campfires. So today, we thought we'd give you the...
TBT: Rachel Remembers Some Crazy Weather!
Mother Nature at Camp Rachel was a counselor for cabin Ishtakaba in 2011. I will be a third-year counselor this year and I don't even remember the number of summers I have spent at Foley....
Camp Creature: The Bobcat
This week we'll be introducing you to the bobcat! An "elusive" creature as Camp Foley's Director, Alli Faricy, put it. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), "Few humans...
Environmental Ed – Week 1
Last week we had an AWESOME time with sixth graders for five schools in Minnesota (St. Bartholomew, Annunciation, Holy Trinity, St. Boniface, and Marquette) at the Foley Environmental Education...
2013 Preview: Activity Plus
If you got the March 2013 Newsletter you've already got an idea of what Activity Plus is, but for those of you who don't have any idea what it is - read on! We're in the business of giving campers...
TBT: Katie McGuire Was Once Homesick!
Katie and Molly on staff in 2012. If you know Katie McGuire (longtime camper and third-year counselor), you know how much she loves camp. Camp, Creighton Bluejays and Jerseys & Jordans - that...
Camp Creature: Pileated Woodpecker
According to his press agent, the creator of Woody Woodpecker, Walter Lantz, got the inspiration while in Sherwood Lake, California with his wife. Apparently, a noisy Pileated Woodpecker outside the...
TBT: Wise Words from some Hall of Fame Staff Members
As I was working on a project, I realized how many 2013 staff members have been inducted into the Camp Foley Hall of Fame, meaning they have been at camp for 10 or more summers. So, for this...
TBT: Camp Cousins – Courtney & Emilia
A Family Tradition Kronschnabel camp clan in 2008! Clockwise from left: Courtney, Emilia, Matt, Nick and Tory. The whole reason I got involved with Camp Foley was because of my dad, Peter...
Camp Creature: The Painted Turtle
Muncher hanging out in a bucket on tank-cleaning day. Raise your hand if you know the name of Camp Foley's Painted Turtle! Well, even if you didn't raise your hand our shout out, "MUNCHER!" no...
TBT: Matt Carney’s First Summer Birthday!
Matt and Aaron in 2009. Pre-birthday shenanigans. For me, the summer of 2012 at Camp Foley seemed like it was filled with a lot of empty birthday wishes. In a matter of two months, I went...
Foley Encounter in St. Louis!
Symi and Annie at the concert. Symi B. was in St. Louis with her family and was desperately trying to meet up with Annie E! (Both girls attend Camp Foley's Third and Fourth Session.) All hope...
Camp Creature: The Gray Wolf
Gray wolf photo from National Geographic. This week's camp creature is inspired by Minnesota's NBA team the Timberwolves. Prior to European settlement in North America, the gray (or timber) wolf...
Superheroes at Camp
Some of the 2013 returning staff will be writing blog posts in the coming weeks. This week, Kylie Beltz has written a blog about how everyone in the camp community is a superhero in their own...
Camp Creature: The Walleye
Walleye statue on Mille Lacs Lake in Garrison, MN. They say you learn something new every day, and today, I learned that Minnesota has a state fish! The Walleye. (Also the state fish of South...
2013 Preview: What You’ll Learn at Camp
Lessons nine and ten are my life. As I was perusing the camp-blog world, I stumbled across a blog post that was written with inspiration from a poem by Robert Fulghum, "All I Really Need to Know...
Throwback Thursday: 1983
30 Years Ago in the Summer of 1983... Below are some interesting things I found out about camp in 1983 after reading some old newsletters. Sailing in the 80s. So many different boats! A...
Camp Creature: Trumpeter Swan
Do you know what the heaviest bird native to North America is? Here is a hint, this bird is also the largest waterfowl native to North America. If you answered the Trumpeter Swan, you would be...
What’s Your Grit Grade?
Find your grade on Duckworth's site. The American Camp Association (ACA) recently spoke with Paul Tough about his book, How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. In...
2013 Preview: Foley Records
How far can you spit a raisin? If you're a Fox/Coyote girl and can spit one further than 20 ft, you're the new record holder! How long can you stand on/roll the log without falling? If you're a...
Foley, Futbol and Friends of the Orphans
What is the number one most important piece of equipment around camp? It's the one thing that gets used every day, rain or shine? You can't play GaGa, 4-Square, Tennis, Basketball,...
Donate a Soccer Ball Today!
Hopefully, you've already read a bit about why Foley is encouraging its families, friends, and alumni to donate a soccer ball to the organization Friends of the Orphans. Now you just need to know...
Get Started
It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!
We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!