Summer Jobs at Camp Foley
Becoming a counselor
Why be a Camp Counselor?
By Anne Archer Yetsko
“When I speak with friends who work in other industries, I always tell them that if you have an applicant who has been a camp counselor and has a positive reference from that camp, they should move to the top of that pile of applications that are overflowing on their desk…”
10 Tips For Being A Great Summer Camp Counselor
Ticket 4 Two Please
“So you’ve managed to secure a job working at a summer camp, and now you’re wondering what on Earth it takes to be a good summer camp counselor? What makes a great summer camp counselor?….We are going to guide through some tips on how to become the best possible counselor, so that the kids have a great time and you get to have the best summer of your life…“
Why be a Camp Counselor?
When I went to work for Foley, I imagined I’d come out with a Teva tan and a summer full of memories. Instead, I walked away with a solid foundation for the skills that would serve me throughout my professional life. ~Taylor, 3 year staff member, Masters of Education & 6th Grade Teacher
Hear what a few Foley Staff have to say about the experience…
I think I should get an internship instead….
Don’t believe us…read this. Or this.