The Rattlin’ Blog
News and Ideas from Camp Foley
With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.
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Countdown To Camp:

An Off Season day at Camp Foley
Foley is quiet for now. We wrote a blog about what a camp day is like for assistant directors here at Foley, but what do we do when the campers are all gone? Come take a peak behind the curtain.......
Top 7 Tips on How to Make Friends at Summer Camp
Are you wondering “how to make friedns at summer camp?” Look no further. This article provides practical steps to help you navigate the social scene and form meaningful connections from day one....
A Foley Reunion… with PIZZA!
We are throwing a party!!! And YOUR invited! This Party is designed for everyone! Perfect for a past family to bring a new family or for a new family to get a good idea of the spirit of Foley. And...
Exploring Excellence: Why Is Camp Foley One of the Best Co-Ed Camps in Minnesota?
If you’re wondering, “why is Camp Foley one of the best co-ed camps in Minnesota?”, the answer lies in its unique approach to blending adventure with life skills development, nestled in Minnesota’s...
Upper and Lower Treehouses: The Perks of Both
Treehouses are a special night that two and four-week campers have the chance to experience. Each treehouse is located in the woods across the road from the center of camp. Cabin groups hike, cook...
Top 9 Smart Summer Camp Packing Hacks for a Stress-Free Adventure
Summer camp is a rite of passage for many kids, but packing for it can feel like scaling a mountain. How do you fit a summer’s worth of items into one bag? And how do you ensure your child will find...
Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:
An Open Letter to Father Foley
Dear Father Foley, I often walk around camp and think about what your reaction would be to the Camp Foley that exists today. Are you surprised little Marie Schmid, who would make you your...
A Do it Yourself Christmas!
Christmas is next week! To celebrate the Holiday and add extra cheer to your home this season, here are 4 awesome and easy Do-it-Yourself decorations you can make with campers right at home! ...
Grand Dance Festival
One of the most anticipated events of each session is the Grand Dance Festival. This is a night of dancing, singing, and an ice cream treat for all of our campers to enjoy one of the final days to...
History of Archery
Here we are with another installment of our History Blogs! This one will focus on the history surrounding Archery as an activity here at Camp Foley! Archery has been around since the beginning of...
The LITs focus on Social Justice
The University sponsored the event This summer our LITs (Leaders in Training) participated in The Maverick Social Justice Camp. This camp is part of Minnesota State University Mankato programming...
A New Spin on Halloween
Halloween is in 2 days!!! I always think it is such a shame that the real Halloween doesn't happen during camp. It has everything, hilarious costumes, yummy candy (aka canteen!), and a night full...
What would they do?
(from left to right) Speedy Aultman (Camp Thunderbird), Fred Rogers (Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert), Bob Schmid (Camp Foley), Unknown couple, Marlys Roger (Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake...
A Unique Evening Program
The Campers created their own Mario Kart! No, we're not talking about the video game... we're a tech-free camp after all! But what we are talking about is a fun happening from this past summer....
Registration is Open!!!!
It's HERE! The time we have all been waiting for... Registration is open for everyone to sign up for the summer of 2021! Also don't miss our awesome new registration video!!!! We know camp will...
Climbing to New Heights
It's time for another activity spotlight! This week is all about climbing, a very popular activity here at camp. Camp Foley has a two-sided, 38-foot tall climbing wall. The wall was built in 1999....
A History of Sailing
Welcome to the latest of our Historical Blogs... Today we are taking look at Sailing through the years here at Camp Foley! It's one of the most popular activities at camp and is the only activity at...
An International Perspective
While it may seem strange to some, Foley is known for having a great international presence from Mexico to France to Australia and Ireland. For campers and staff alike, the transition into camp...
Treehouse Battle!
Upper vs. Lower: which Treehouse is best? A special night for all of our two, three, and four-week campers is going to cook dinner and sleep in the treehouses. Upper Treehouse is up the Moose Trail,...
How summer camp impacts kids…
This week we want the blog to focus on why summer camp is so important for kids. We have an article from Chicago Parents that talks about how camp impacts kids long term. This article was written...
The Camp Foley Ski Boats: A personality investigation
If you have spent a lot of time at the Marina, particularly on the ski boats, you quickly become familiar with the different quirks and personality traits of each boat. The three beautiful ski boats...
A Throwback Thursday- Eagle Edition
Here is a true Throwback Thursday to our most viewed blog! This is a Creature Spotlight all about the bald eagle. All the pictures of Eagles were taken by our Director Alli Faricy. You can find more...
History at the Swim Dock
We are taking some time this summer to take a look back at the history of Camp Foley. With 95 years of Camp under our belt, Camp has inevitably changed with the times. We are very proud of how far...
Hey Parents! Benefits of Overnight Camp
What's up parents! Still, wondering if an overnight camp is right for your kid? We know there is so much for your child to do during the summer, but we'd like to make the case that summer camp...
Paint Check!
In this month's activity spotlight, we will be focusing on a Camp Foley favorite... PAINTBALL! This activity has been around since 2005, and many campers since have passed through the gauntlet and...
10 Years of Blogs!
Guess what everybody?.... The Ratlin' Blog just turned 10 years old! We have officially been publishing these weekly blogs since 2010, and it's amazing to look back and see all the different blogs...
All about Fencing…
Hello Everybody! Guess what... It's my birthday! I, Ally Daily, have made it another year around the sun. So today in honor of me (Haha!) I thought we could use this blog to focus on my favorite...
Dive Right In!
This week I thought we could "dive in" on a very popular activity here at camp... DIVING! Here at Camp Foley, we have a diving tower that is installed every summer right before campers arrive, then...
Alpha Games Update!
The color war! Camper racing boats they made themselves! 2019 was the first year we had the Alpha Games! We divided the camp into four teams, red, blue, green, and yellow. The campers competed in...
Leap Frogs for Leap Year!
This month we get an extra day! Every leap year features an extra day added to the end of February, giving February 29 days instead of the usual 28. This bonus day happens because it actually takes...
Get Started
It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!
We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!