The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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The Campers have spoken!

The Campers have spoken!

You ask, we deliver... Every summer at the end of each session, we have the campers fill out an Input survey. We ask all kinds of things, like what was your favorite activity, best evening program,...

Why We Donate to Camp

Why We Donate to Camp

It is the first week of Camp Moves Me! We have raised over $560 so far for kids to come to camp, and we want to continue on this great path to breaking $100,000 earned over the past 5 years! Last...

Camp Moves Me is about to BEGIN!

Camp Moves Me is about to BEGIN!

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! If you follow Camp Foley on social media (specifically Facebook or Instagram) then you have probably seen Foley Directors, Staff, and Campers participating in an...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Paint Check!

Paint Check!

In this month's activity spotlight, we will be focusing on a Camp Foley favorite... PAINTBALL! This activity has been around since 2005, and many campers since have passed through the gauntlet and...

10 Years of Blogs!

10 Years of Blogs!

Guess what everybody?.... The Ratlin' Blog just turned 10 years old! We have officially been publishing these weekly blogs since 2010, and it's amazing to look back and see all the different blogs...

All about Fencing…

All about Fencing…

Hello Everybody! Guess what... It's my birthday! I, Ally Daily, have made it another year around the sun. So today in honor of me (Haha!) I thought we could use this blog to focus on my favorite...

Dive Right In!

Dive Right In!

This week I thought we could "dive in" on a very popular activity here at camp... DIVING! Here at Camp Foley, we have a diving tower that is installed every summer right before campers arrive, then...

Alpha Games Update!

Alpha Games Update!

The color war! Camper racing boats they made themselves! 2019 was the first year we had the Alpha Games! We divided the camp into four teams, red, blue, green, and yellow. The campers competed in...

Leap Frogs for Leap Year!

Leap Frogs for Leap Year!

This month we get an extra day! Every leap year features an extra day added to the end of February, giving February 29 days instead of the usual 28. This bonus day happens because it actually takes...

Performing Arts Class Spotlight

Performing Arts Class Spotlight

Video Creativity Campers continuously return to camp for the plethora of athletic and intense activities camp has to offer. Waterskiing is a favorite activity on the water. Paintball is a unique...

How Do You Celebrate Love Day?

How Do You Celebrate Love Day?

Valentine's Day is this Friday! Which means it's time to celebrate all the love we have in our life. But did you know that the US is not the only country to celebrate Valentine's Day? While we are...

Canteen? Yes Please.

Canteen? Yes Please.

The LONG line for canteen. Campers patiently wait for their turn to pick their treat! A few of the delicious options at Canteen! What do campers love more than activities? More than meals? What do...

Can I Really Spend Another Summer Working at Camp?

Can I Really Spend Another Summer Working at Camp?

Are you a past Camp Foley counselor? Are you thinking of spending a summer working at Foley? Are you worried you're missing another opportunity if you commit to working at a summer camp AGAIN? Worry...

Winter Critters

Winter Critters

In the winter this box turtle will shut down his lungs! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr its pretty cold up here in Pine River, Minnesota! While the Foley team and I try to keep warm I thought we could spotlight some...

A True Throwback Thursday

A True Throwback Thursday

It was Marie's Birthday on Sunday!!!!!!!  Camp Foley wouldn't be what it is today without our wonderful Executive Director, Marie Schmid! She is the reason so many kids can come to Camp Foley and...

Winter is Here…

Winter is Here…

Can you see the Archery Range? In the words of a once-great HBO show, Winter is coming... and SURPRISE it's here! Camp Foley recently got 19 inches of snow over the Thanksgiving weekend... Now I,...

Want to live Longer? Try being Thankful…

Want to live Longer? Try being Thankful…

It's almost THANKSGIVING! Do you know what that means? It's time for great food, getting together with family, and of course, being thankful. While it is great that people take this time every year...

Puzzled about our Holiday Gift?

Puzzled about our Holiday Gift?

Don't be, it's just a puzzle! This year we are excited to announce that our holiday gift is a Camp Foley Puzzle!  This custom puzzle is 500 pieces of fun, perfect for family time during the holidays...

Founder’s Day, 95th Anniversary of Foley

Founder’s Day, 95th Anniversary of Foley

Founder's Day is a special day at Camp where we take the time to recognize the storied history of Camp Foley in a few ways. This past summer’s Founder’s Days were made extra-special because of our...

I tried Vlogging Everyday for Money…

I tried Vlogging Everyday for Money…

Camp Moves Me is officially over and GOOD NEWS! We achieved our goal and then some! Hi everyone, Ally Daily here, and I just completed my first ever Camp Moves Me campaign. As a camp, we reached our...

Have A Spook-tacular Week!

Have A Spook-tacular Week!

Get Your BOO On Halloween is just a few days away! It's a bummer Halloween doesn't fall during the summer months because it would be the perfect holiday for Camp to celebrate! At Camp, we love to...

~Camp Moves Me Update~

~Camp Moves Me Update~

This Fall is flying by! We are 24 days into October and that blows our mind. Do you know what else blows our minds? That over 160 people have donated and raised over $6,300 for the Camp Foley...

Key Ingredient in Success – Mindfulness

Key Ingredient in Success – Mindfulness

Why Aren't We Teaching Mindfulness? Anne Marie Rossi begins her Ted Talk by discussing the research study conducted by Harvard looking for what common trait is seen among the most successful people....

Foley’s 5K Runs

Foley’s 5K Runs

Each Session at Camp Foley provides the opportunity for campers to partake in a 5K run (or similar event) within an hour radius of Camp Foley.   1st Session Foley 5K Runners! First...

Focus on Understanding our Youth

Happy start to the 3rd Session! The camp is all about inclusiveness, providing a safe space for every individual to be accepted for who they are, no matter what they are going through. In this Ted...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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