The Campers created their own Mario Kart!
No, we’re not talking about the video game… we’re a tech-free camp after all! But what we are talking about is a fun happening from this past summer. Here’s a quick word on a unique evening program that happened this past summer.
3rd Session saw cabin’s Ojibway, Mingo, and Wahtassa have a Mario Kart Evening Program. Based on the widely famous video game phenomenon, this evening program entailed a relay race where campers had to run around a course while dodging bananas and dodgeballs (fireballs) thrown at them by counselors. If hit, they had to stop and do 8 jumping jacks. Each team had one mushroom they could use as a booster, similar to the actual Mario Kart video game. The mushroom protected a runner from dodgeballs and bananas. This played right along with the 3rd Session Wolf Boys theme of Super Mario. Cabins were named as followed, Wario Wahtassa, Mario Mingo, and Yoshi Ojibway. Campers had an absolute blast and gave it many compliments! So much so it was repeated in the 4th Session and this time the girls got in the fun too.
Every year counselors try to come up with new evening programs for the campers. We are always looking for great ways to surprise our campers! We have done anything from Shark Tank, where you pitch an idea for new activity at Foley, to Swim Dock Paddle Mania.
Fun, unique evening programs are a must-have! Have an idea for a new evening program? Email us and let us know!