How Heavyweights Compares to a Real Summer Camp Experience (Like Camp Foley!)
Ally here! If you grew up in the ‘90s or early 2000s like me, there’s a good chance you remember Heavyweights—the 1995 comedy about a group of kids sent to a weight-loss camp that gets taken over by an over-the-top fitness fanatic, played by Ben Stiller. I saw it...
Who is your support system at Camp?
We have a great team here at Foley! Many different people on the Foley team work together to make sure each camper has a great experience. We want to break down the exact people who will be part of you or your camper’s support system this summer. We hope knowing...
2024 Camp Moves Me Wrap Up
We have come to the end of November and that means an end to our fundraising campaign Camp Moves Me! This year we raised over $27,000! We had over 140 people donate this month. This money will go directly to helping send as many kids as possible to Camp Foley this...
Nike Joins the Hall of Fame
Nike was a one of kind pooch! The whole Foley Family will miss her more than words can say, but we are comforted by the fact that she lived the fullest life as our camp dog. Here is Nike’s Hall of Fame Essay from 2021, where she tells us in her own words why she...