The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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A History of Clothing at Camp Foley

A History of Clothing at Camp Foley

We have a particularly fun one today! We are going to travel through history and check out how the clothing trends have evolved over the last 100 years of Foley history. We are bringing some of them...

The Highest awards of 2023

The Highest awards of 2023

Our Campers showed real Grit this summer! Read below to learn about the highest awards you can earn at Camp Foley and who achieved each one this past summer! Gold Birchbark Congratulations to the...

Self Defense at Foley!

Self Defense at Foley!

A new skill at Foley This past summer at Camp, every camper had the opportunity to try a self defense class taught by a local professional. Kevin Littman, a black belt instructor from Pequot Lakes...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Camp Foley! Today in this blog we are going to focus on things we are grateful for when it comes to CAMP FOLEY! Read below to see what the office staff say...

Camp Foley Launches TikTok

Camp Foley Launches TikTok

We are excited to announce that Camp Foley has officially joined TikTok! This is something our campers have been asking for, for at least the last 2 years! You can find us on the "clock app" under...

Camp Moves Me 2021

Camp Moves Me 2021

We have come to the end of October and that means an end to our fundraising campaign Camp Moves Me! This year we raised $13,805, which is so amazing!!  We had over 120 people donate this month. This...

Special Awards in 2021

Special Awards in 2021

We had some very special campers earn some very special awards this summer! Going beyond ribbon awards and fun awards created by counselors. These campers had their names recorded in the history of...

Activity Achievements!

Activity Achievements!

One perk of 3 weeks we kept highlighting earlier this year was the extra time at activities! In fact, campers gained a whole sign up in the 3 weeks, and a 4th day was added to two of the sign ups!...

Flick N Float 2021

Flick N Float 2021

We brought an old classic this summer at Foley. Flick N Float made an appearance in all 3 sessions. Flick N Float is a night in camp, usually the night before a sleep-in day, where the whole camp...

Back To School… With Tips from Camp Foley!

Back To School… With Tips from Camp Foley!

  As our Minnesota families head back to school this month and many of our other families from out of state are already back on the school train, we wanted to share today's blog for a few ideas...

A History of Riflery

A History of Riflery

We are continuing to take some time this summer to take a look back at the history of Camp Foley. With 95 years of Camp under our belt, Camp has inevitably changed with the times. We are very proud...

A History of Boating

A History of Boating

We are continuing to take some time this summer to take a look back at the history of Camp Foley. With 95 years of Camp under our belt, Camp has inevitably changed with the times. We are very proud...

When they come home…

When they come home…

Our first session of 2021 is coming to an end. We can't believe how fast three weeks really can fly! We want our campers to have a positive reentry into their normal lives while taking with them all...

Breathtaking Brazil

Breathtaking Brazil

A throwback Thursday to our Director Alli Faricy's trip to Brazil in 2018. Check out some of the amazing creatures she encountered...     Director Alli Faricy spent some time in Brazil for...

Packing for Camp!

Packing for Camp!

Camp starts in less than 2 weeks! While everyone here is very excited, there may be a few nerves still out there about what to pack. Luckily camp is here to help! Now the easiest way to answer that...

Veronica Chooses Camp

Veronica Chooses Camp

Check out a testimonial from a former camper Veronica about why she loves Camp and kept coming back. Veronica wrote this back in 2018, and we felt this was a great opportunity for a throwback...

Throwback to 2012

Throwback to 2012

Below is a blog written by a past Assistant Director back in 2012. It showcases the beauty that surrounds camp even during our quieter winter months. Read on to see what her thoughts were as she...

New Camper Series: Activity Sign Up

New Camper Series: Activity Sign Up

Welcome to next installment of our New Camper Series. These blogs will focus on New Campers and help prepare everyone for this summer. This blog will focus on Activity sign up! When we say "Sign Up"...

New Camper Series: Eating at Foley

New Camper Series: Eating at Foley

Welcome to next installment in our series we are calling New Camper Series. These blogs will focus on New Campers and help prepare everyone for this summer. This blog will focus on eating and meal...

Traditions at Foley

Traditions at Foley

Having been around for almost 97 years, we have amassed our fair share of traditions here at Foley. We asked our campers which traditions they hold close to their heart and can't wait to recreate...

Campers! What are you excited for?

Campers! What are you excited for?

We were wondering... what are campers most excited to get to do this summer?... so we asked them! We have been meeting with campers in virtual meet ups and zoom personal talks to get a sense of how...

Hey Parents! Benefits of Overnight Camp

Hey Parents! Benefits of Overnight Camp

What's up parents! Still wondering if an overnight camp is right for your kid? This summer is looking better and better, and after a year of isolation and virtual learning, camp is the perfect...

Staying Eco-Friendly during Winter

Staying Eco-Friendly during Winter

 2 weeks ago it was -11 outside!!!! Even if you are Minnesota native through and through that is COLD! While the cold has some great benefits, like pretty snow and getting to walk on frozen lakes,...

The History of Fencing

The History of Fencing

  We are continuing with our History blogs, and this week we are taking a look at the History of Fencing! Fencing has been an activity at Camp Foley since 1959. It doesn't go as far back as...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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