The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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Foley Camper Caleb pitches Overnight Camp

Foley Camper Caleb pitches Overnight Camp

As admin of Camp Foley, we are always trying to put into words of why camp is so great and why everyone should come! So it's always nice to hear from the campers themselves about why they think...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Alpha Games: The Battle of the Factions

Alpha Games: The Battle of the Factions

Get ready for the 2022 Alpha Games! Last year, we had the Battle of the Foley Frontier, an all-camp game of capture the flag, that spanned all the way across Foley grounds. This year, prepare for a...

What Kind Of Leader Are You?

What Kind Of Leader Are You?

We announced in February that we have made some awesome updates to our Leadership program! Campers will have the opportunity to be a part of a unique 4-year LIFE PROGRAM that prepares campers...

New Stuff in 2022!

New Stuff in 2022!

We pulled a bit of a prank on April 1st...   There is no new puppy this year at Foley... BUT we have tons of new things that REALLY are coming this summer. Check them out below...  ...

3 times Nature Found a Way

3 times Nature Found a Way

Nature always finds a way...   Our director and fearless leader Alli Faricy recently attended the ACA National Conference and attended a talk on exploring the impact Covid 19 had on our...

Learn all about our Foley Snakes!

Learn all about our Foley Snakes!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Time to don green clothes and lots of shamrocks and celebrate this fun Irish holiday.   This day is named after the patron saint of Ireland Saint Patrick who was a...

3 Important Shifts in Youth Development

3 Important Shifts in Youth Development

Believe it or not the start of first session is less than 100 days away, which seems both very soon and very far away.   Alli Faricy recently spent a week in Portland, OR at the American Camp...

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane

What a Throwback! Take a look at what Foley Alum Peter Kronschnabel had to say back in 2012 about his time at camp...   What better alumnus to ask to capture their Foley reflections than Peter...

Ice Ridges on Whitefish

Ice Ridges on Whitefish

So, maybe I am the only one that has never heard of an ‘Ice Ridge’, but after this winter I now know what they are! Take a look at what Whitefish Lakes massive ice sheet can do. Now what are Ice...

Camper Coordinators!

Camper Coordinators!

Along with all the counselors, campers, dogs, ADs, and directors, we have one other very special position at Camp Foley... The Camper Coordinator! In order to provide the best care and support for...

Meet the Little Brown Bat!

Meet the Little Brown Bat!

Have you ever taken a walk through Camp Foley and wondered what those little brown boxes were fixated onto some of the poles and trees? Well, friends, those are homes for some of our year-round...

Milestones made by Many

Milestones made by Many

We've talked about the prestigious awards and the Anchor award winners, now it's time to take a look at the impressive Milestones our campers, staff, and ONE DOG achieved this summer. Hall of Fame...

Sailing in the 70s with Rob Kugler

Sailing in the 70s with Rob Kugler

This TBT is a little different than what you're probably used to seeing! For this week, we have a great story from a Camp Foley alum from the 70s. If you're a Foley sailor, then this TBT is...

Health Center- New and Improved

Health Center- New and Improved

I'm sure all of our campers and most of our parents and alumni noticed but... WE HAVE A NEW HEALTH CENTER. This was the first summer we got to put the new Mashikki (medicine in the Ojibwa language)....

An Icy Lake in 2013

An Icy Lake in 2013

Alli atop the ice ridge.   Sometimes, we consider the lake to be a “creature” of its own as there always seems to be something cool happening with it, especially in the winter. Whitefish Lake...

2021 Anchor Winners

2021 Anchor Winners

Every summer we have a traditional award we give out here at Camp Foley at every Friendship Campfire, the Anchor Award. Since 1984, each session at least two Anchor Awards are given out (one boy and...

Throwback Thursday: 1961 & 1962

Throwback Thursday: 1961 & 1962

We are proud to bring you a Throwback Thursday request - 1961 and 1962. As usual, we got our information from the old newsletters. I must say, as I go further back in time the newsletters get very...

In the Words of a Counselor 2017 vs. 2021

In the Words of a Counselor 2017 vs. 2021

Have we got a treat for you! We recently interviewed Louie Eptsein as a follow up to an interview we conducted with him back in 2017. In 2017 Louie was 14, a camper, and had just won the anchor...

Throwback Thursday: 1973

Throwback Thursday: 1973

Baseball in the 70s - Looks like a scene from the Sandlot! Alright everyone, this week we're going back to 1973! Forty years ago this summer was the last summer Foley was all boys! I used the old...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Camp Foley! Today in this blog we are going to focus on things we are grateful for when it comes to CAMP FOLEY! Read below to see what the office staff say...

Camp Foley Launches TikTok

Camp Foley Launches TikTok

We are excited to announce that Camp Foley has officially joined TikTok! This is something our campers have been asking for, for at least the last 2 years! You can find us on the "clock app" under...

Camp Moves Me 2021

Camp Moves Me 2021

We have come to the end of October and that means an end to our fundraising campaign Camp Moves Me! This year we raised $13,805, which is so amazing!!  We had over 120 people donate this month. This...

Special Awards in 2021

Special Awards in 2021

We had some very special campers earn some very special awards this summer! Going beyond ribbon awards and fun awards created by counselors. These campers had their names recorded in the history of...

Activity Achievements!

Activity Achievements!

One perk of 3 weeks we kept highlighting earlier this year was the extra time at activities! In fact, campers gained a whole sign up in the 3 weeks, and a 4th day was added to two of the sign ups!...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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