Camp is getting closer and closer and we just can’t wait!
We have a ton of new campers joining us this summer and this blog is for them! There are many things new campers will experience at Foley for the first time, like water-skiing, soda bread, Alpha Games and so much more. Every camper this summer will have a slightly different experience, because of all the choice they have here at camp! But there is one thing that is universal for all campers here at Foley.. they will all live in a cabin.
Co-habituating like this can be a completely new experience for campers. Some may come from a very small family, so suddenly living with 9 other people can be a shock. Some campers have never had to share a sleeping space before, and have always had their own room. Going from that to no doors or walls to sperate you from the rest of your cabin mates can be an adjustment for sure. We have 7 points to share with you to help navigate cabin living this summer and prepare you for success at Camp Foley!
1.Your bunk is assigned to you at the start of camp. 

You will have your own space in your cabin, that will be marked clearly with your name right when your arrive at Foley. This alleviates stress about having to rush and claim bunks or worrying about being near or far away from friends. Our counselors take time to intentionally assign bunks to each camper in their cabin, and there is a reason everyone is staying where they are. This will ensure cabin bonding starts off strong.
2. You will have space to put your belongings.
You will not be living out of your suitcase for 3 weeks this summer. For each person living in a cabin you will have 2 shelves that are built into your bunk for clothing storage, and a hanging space (like a locker) to hang up things like jackets, dresses, lifejackets, and camp chairs, and a place designated for your shoes. If you are person who needs dividers or cases for organization, feel free to bring them if they can fit in an average dresser. Each bunk is about the size of standard twin bed, and twin bed sheets will work perfectly (sleeping bags cannot count at sheets). Make sure to bring a cozy blanket or two as well.
3. You will create a cabin agreement together
On the first night of camp, you will sit down with your counselors and cabinmates to create a cabin agreement. This is a set of guidelines that your cabin will come up with. Each member of the cabin will sign the agreement and promise to live by the standards you have set for each other. You will get to feel personally connected to these standards because you took part in their creation. Every cabin is expected to treat each other with respect and dignity, but there could different ways each cabin will interpret that with each other.
4. You will keep the cabin clean together as a team.
Your whole cabin lives together and is responsible for the cleanliness of your cabin while you live there. This means you have a personal responsibility to keep your areas and belongings tidy and organized. But it also means you will you will develop a cabin clean up plan as a cabin. and take on different chores everyday to maintain your cabin. These things include sweeping out the cabin, taking out the trash, bringing in clothes from the clothesline, and checking that beds have been made. Remember, many hands make light work!
5. Laundry will be done halfway through camp.
Half way through camp, campers will have laundry collected and washed. This a service that is done outside of camp and takes 24 hours to complete. The best practice if to pack like your going away for 2 weeks (14 days) without the option to do laundry. This way your will have clothes to wear while most of it is being washed. If you would like to have clean sheets half way through camp, we recommend bringing two sets.
6. You can personalize your space!
Bring things to make your bunk your own. You bunk will have a certain amount of wall space, where you can hang pictures of family, friends, pets, or anything you like. You can also personalize your bunk with fun sheets, pillows, and blankets too. And don’t forget to bring that special stuffed animal friend! They can live right on your bunk!
7. Some things to leave at home are…
There are some things that are best left at home, we know you can go 3 weeks without…
- Rugs (makes it hard to sweep!)
- Tablets (iPad), laptops, cellphones and handheld games. These will be collected, labeled and safely stored in the camp office until departure day.
- Electronics that require an electrical outlet such as fans, iHomes/CD players, electric blankets, plug-in lights, etc.
- Makeup, curling irons, straighteners, blow-dryers, etc.
- Animals (caged and non-caged) are not permitted.
- Food, candy, bottled water, gum, soda pop, etc. (we will give you lots of snacks don’t worry!)
We hope these tips will help all our campers, new and old have a great start to camp this summer! If you have any other questions about cabin living, feel free to send us an email at