The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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You Can’t Dibs Nature!

You Can’t Dibs Nature!

Snapping Turtle (Photo by A. Faricy) As I canoed along on my second to last of 14, three-hour canoe classes over the last three weeks, I examined the actions of the 6th graders. A couple was...

5 Packing Hacks from a Type A-/B+ Mom

5 Packing Hacks from a Type A-/B+ Mom

Packing for Camp Foley: 5 Hacks from a Type A-/B+ Mom I am Jana, mom of Axel (10) and Jules (8). This will be their 3rd and 2nd year at Foley this summer! Future Jana thanks past Jana. On the back...

5 tips for a Successful Rest Period

5 tips for a Successful Rest Period

At camp, campers are constantly on the “go, go go.” From the time campers wake up, their schedule is packed activities. They can be out on Whitefish Lake all day, other days they are singing,...

How We Prepare to Open Camp

How We Prepare to Open Camp

When you finally arrive for the first day of camp, it is so thrilling to see the place you love or will come to love all put together and ready for a session of fun. The docks are all in, the...

7 things Campers should know about Cabin Living

7 things Campers should know about Cabin Living

Camp is getting closer and closer and we just can't wait!   We have a ton of new campers joining us this summer and this blog is for them! There are many things new campers will experience at...

The Trees Are Our Best Antiques

The Trees Are Our Best Antiques

This blog is a throwback from 2012!   A few weeks ago, Adam and I took a weekend trip down to Minneapolis to visit some friends. Since moving to Camp Foley in January, this was our first trip...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Living Room In The Woods

Living Room In The Woods

I recently read a great article written by Richard Dolesh which really highlighted the need for places for kids to play - "A Living Room In The Woods". An outdoor living room, created by kids in...

Creating Fun in the Rec Center

Creating Fun in the Rec Center

I will pick up this blog with the next phase of our construction projects here at Camp Foley. The new Rec. Center was the 3rd move in this shifting of venues. If you don’t know what I am talking...

The noise of more than just kids.

The noise of more than just kids.

Wailing, hooting, yodeling, and laughter are all fairly common noises to hear around Camp Foley in the summer months. This year, all that noise has returned about 3-4 weeks early according to the...

Frogs Jump & Moons Move

There are few things that stick out as memorable camp experiences for me that include one of two ingredients - amazing people and breathtaking experiences with nature. In honor of Earth Day, it was...

Hey who’s that guy?

Hey who’s that guy?

Ryan (right), playing Hockey. This month I had the chance to meet a new Foley camper, Ryan A. Ryan is from Maryland and has attended summer camps in his area previously, but this year will mark the...

Kylie remembers Foley

Kylie remembers Foley

Foley. It’s amazing how a simple five-letter word can not only bring back so many memories, but it is also a place I call home. In my life, I have been so blessed to have Camp Foley as a part of my...

Your Child’s First Sleep Away

Your Child’s First Sleep Away

Make no mistake that a child’s first sleep-away at a summer camp can be a scary and nerve-wracking experience – for both camper and parent! We have seen time and time again that anxious separation...

From New to Cool

From New to Cool

When I spoke to Maggie H on the phone the other day, she was happily on spring break and enjoying sleeping in and laying low. That being said, the moment I started talking about the camp you could...

Crafts has a new home…

Crafts has a new home…

Shop class - before the move. If you follow the blog and remember what I blogged about the last time I signed in, well this is Part 2! Okay, so now that the shop class is moved into its new building...

In The Woods…

In The Woods…

“In the woods, a man casts off his years, like a snake its skin, and is always a child. In the woods is perpetual youth. In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel like nothing can...

Let’s hear from a Camp Foley Camper

Let’s hear from a Camp Foley Camper

Ellie Mahoney Ellie Mahoney, an 8th grader at Our Lady of Grace in Edina, MN shares some of her highlights at Camp Foley. This will be her 6th year at Foley! Ellie resounds what many campers say...



A few months ago, we heard from Claire Benton; a Foley camper from 1987-1992. Claire is currently the Assistant Director at Cornell University’s Engineering Co-op & Career Services Office,...

Stand Back, I’m a Professional

Stand Back, I’m a Professional

I recently interviewed a Foley vet named Spencer W. from St. Louis, MO. We talked about his experience of the past 7 years at Camp Foley, what he has gained, and where it will take him. Spencer...

Foley Encourages Wellness and Healthy Living

Foley Encourages Wellness and Healthy Living

There’s no denying that childhood obesity is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. An alarming study by Olshansky et al., 2005 reports that the current generation of children may have shorter life...

Back in the day…

Back in the day…

Alli here, reporting in about reunions and gatherings with campers, staff, and alums. This month we have a great example of how camp friendships hover around like that last beam of sunlight when you...

A Life Changing Experience

A Life Changing Experience

Imagine me as an extremely shy seven-year-old spending my summers at Camp Foley which in the ’60s was all boys. I was also sandwiched between two brothers. So down the lakeshore, I went for 4 weeks...

Take A Closer Look At The Shop

Take A Closer Look At The Shop

Hello! For this Rattlin’ Blog, I thought I would take a slight step back in time to a previous building project that has had a great impact on Foley. Back in the winter or 2009-2010, Marie and I had...

Gaby Carries That Foley Feeling Into Adulthood

Gaby Carries That Foley Feeling Into Adulthood

The following blog submission is written by Foley alumnus, Gaby Driessen. Gaby is the daughter of, Martha Lopez, who was among the first “class” of female Foley campers back in 1974! As a...

Let’s Get Physical

Let’s Get Physical

The beginning of the new year always has an increase in one’s desire to become more physically fit. I always find that people have the desire to start working out but lack the knowledge to develop...

A Serious Need For Free Play

A Serious Need For Free Play

“When I was a kid, we played outside with no adult supervision, we didn’t need electronic gadgets to amuse us or coaches to tell us how to have fun”. I personally remember on many occasions my own...

Chris & Kyle Revamp the Wabi

Chris & Kyle Revamp the Wabi

Look at what we’ve done…or, should I say…"Look at WABI DONE!" During the spring of 2011, I was faced with the reality that Camp was in need of extra space! What with extra activities and increasing...

The importance of playing with your children

The importance of playing with your children

I am totally happy as a parent when I am outside “playing” with my children. A highlight over Christmas vacation was the adventures on frozen Whitefish Lake! We walked, we skated, and we played with...

4 City Tour

4 City Tour

Hi everyone! Once again it is time to check in on all those great Foley reunions happening around the world. This month we are going to focus on the ones that Foley sets up...the beloved Pizza...

The Unexpected Visitor

The Unexpected Visitor

I have been at camp Foley for many years, and I often hear amusing camp stories floating around the office, but my quest to bring you blog-worthy tales of happenings from around camp brought me in...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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