Nike was a one of kind pooch! The whole Foley Family will miss her more than words can say, but we are comforted by the fact that she lived the fullest life as our camp dog. Here is Nike’s Hall of Fame Essay from 2021, where she tells us in her own words why she loves being a Foley camp dog! Scroll down to the end to see some of pics of Nike being inducted.
What Camp Foley Means to Me
By Nike
It’s hard to believe I’ve been at camp for TEN YEARS. When I realized that my Hall of Fame year was coming up, I started thinking all about what Camp Foley means to me. And to be honest, it
hasn’t always been smooth sailing…
For starters, I have had my allowance taken away many times for popping the playground balls, eating up the little orange cones, and tearing the down sprouts off of the gutters. Did you know
that my best friend Norm and I created the best game? When a chipmunk goes into the down sprout, I tear it off and Norm goes to one end and I to the other and we trap that chipmunk. We shake it and
destroy it. This would be my favorite activity in all of camp, but Mike doesn’t allow it.
I have also gotten in trouble many times and been sent home. When I was a puppy, I ate people’s socks A LOT. I also took a jar of peanuts out of a painter’s truck, ate the construction workers’ lunches, came home with porcupine quills in my mouth, ate raw deer, and cruised down the lakeshore visiting the neighbors while Marie was at work (she was none the wiser).
As you can see, a lot of my problems come from eating things I’m not necessarily supposed to, but I also like ALL of the camp food. My favorites are bread, bacon (all meat, actually), pastas and
CANTEEN. I’m not so fond of the fruits and vegetables myself. Once, I took a sloppy Joe right out of a camper’s hand as he was getting ready to bite it. He was in shock, but it was so yummy. Marie didn’t
like when I did that, so I wised up. Around 2016, I learned that if I hang out at the kitchen door, the cooks will feed me. My favorite cook was Michelle – she would save serving bowls of scrumptious
food just for me! She was the best!
Aside from the food, birthdays celebrated at camp are highlights for me as well. It is the best when they start to scream “Ashes to ashes…” and I run straight to the lake. If they don’t catch me first, I jump in on top of the birthday camper and give them a happy pawing. What can I say? I just want to be part of the celebration too!
That’s because I know that camp is ALL about the kids. I have fond memories of campers laying on the porch of the dining hall with me, cuddling and stroking my fur. I love the daily hugs, the friendly pets, and so much attention. This is the best part of camp!
Camp for me is also all about the wildlife. I am good friends with all of the ticks. I help to spread plants by gathering lots and lots of bugs, I save water by drinking out of puddles, I dig holes to keep cool, and every single morning I chase away the crows and the squirrels before the campers come to the benches. I also liked the muck pond and the mud at Hidden Lake, but this resulted poorly for me – I hated the hour-long baths. Not sure why I couldn’t just leave the mud in my fur.
Lastly, I have a really important job to do. Sometimes campers are really sad or having bad days, and over the years, many have cried into my fur and told me all of their troubles. I think I am an excellent listener, and they seem to agree – they always leave a little happier and a lot calmer. Sometimes I think talking to me makes them braver as well.
As much as I love talking to the campers, I was not fond of the night that I slept in one of the girls’ cabins. My usual spot is on Marie’s bed. I have been in the SAME cabin all ten years that I’ve been here. My cabin name is Berehaven and I have the best evening snacks in the world: milk bones and dried chicken – YUM!
Being a camp dog is the best! Even though I can be a bit mischievous, it’s almost always because I’m so excited about what’s happening. When camp is almost over, I like to bark at Marie when she tells the closing story; Alli always takes me away, but I’m just giving my approval. I never even get to hear the ending. The truth is that when you all leave, I get really, really sad, and all fall and winter, Marie tries to cheer me up with extra treats and cuddles. It helps a little, but I still can’t wait for the next summer as soon as you go! Sharing home with the campers and staff is the highlight of my life.
I am forever grateful for being a camp dog, and that is what Foley means to me.

Marie pinning Nike

Marie read’s Nike essay!

Nike sat perfectly as she was inducted

Nike gets tired after all that attention