30 Years Ago in the Summer of 1983… Below are some interesting things I found out about camp in 1983 after reading some old newsletters. Sailing in the 80s. So many different boats! A Sail Racing Clinic was held in the summer of 1983. There was a...
Crafts has a fairly long history at Camp Foley. One of the first mentions Campers getting crafty in the 50s! of crafts in a newsletter was back in 1957 when Red Dawn, a full blood descendant of a Sioux Cheiftain came for a day-long seminar featuring feather crafts,...
For this Throwback Thursday post, I reached out to some of the 2012 Octos. I asked them to answer two questions: What was your favorite part about being an Octo, and what did you learn from the experience? But first… let’s get some facts about the Octo...
Perhaps one of the best ways to capture the serenity of any waterway in Northern Minnesota is by canoe. The quietness of the canoe is what enables Camp Director Alli Faricy to snap all those cool pictures of the various camp critters. Canoeing is also one of Marie...
Did you know that the most popular water sport at Camp Foley was invented by two teenagers from Minnesota? That’s right! In 1922, 18-year old Ralph Samuelson theorized that if it was possible to ski on snow, it should be possible to ski on water too. Ralph convinced...