Camper Blogs! Part 1
Journalism campers hard at work! This summer, we had some ROCKING Journalism classes. For one of the signups, some Foley campers had the opportunity to blog for and about camp! For the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing the camper-blogs with the Foley community a...
TBT: Zac and the Corn Snake
Calvin the Corn Snake! As I was getting packed up for my return to Camp Foley in 2013, it made me think about all the memories and friendships I made. One of the activities that I really liked to teach was the nature class. The campers were always excited to go on...
2013 Preview: Meet the CITs!
We know how much you all love the CITs. They are cool. They know everything about camp. They are awesome role models. And they sing the loudest at campfires. So today, we thought we’d give you the inside scoop on who the 2013 CITs are. First & Second Session...