What a Throwback! Take a look at what Foley Alum Peter Kronschnabel had to say back in 2012 about his time at camp… What better alumnus to ask to capture their Foley reflections than Peter Kronschnabel! Anyone who has spent time at Camp Foley since the...
One of the most anticipated events of each session is the Grand Dance Festival. This is a night of dancing, singing, and an ice cream treat for all of our campers to enjoy one of the final days to spend all together as a whole camp. Some campers love the dancing,...
How many of you have gone to one particular session in your whole camp career? Did you know each session has a unique group of kids who come to camp and unique programming you might not experience in another? The first session starts fresh and gets camp rolling for...
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, a camp is a magical place. I recently had the opportunity to spend time with 4th sessions’ Anchor Award recipient, Louis E., in his home city of St. Louis and chatted with him about what Camp Foley means...
Everyone knows that the best kind of friend is a camp friend. For whatever reason, you make some of your best friends at camp. Many of our counselors from 2013 were past Foley campers as well. Berns Villareal, talks about what it’s like making the transition...