TBT: Parker Remembers Some Camp Dances
One of the favorite nights of the camp is the Grand Dance Festival. Campers dress up crazy and make their way to the Wabi for a memorable night of dancing like a fool with friends. As you grow up and out of camp, you’ll definitely remember a lot of the dance...
Foley Encounter in St. Louis!
Symi and Annie at the concert. Symi B. was in St. Louis with her family and was desperately trying to meet up with Annie E! (Both girls attend Camp Foley’s Third and Fourth Session.) All hope appeared lost as snow and Annie’s school schedule were proving...
TBT – Heard it at the Pizza Parties!
We were so happy to see so many great people in St. Louis and Minneapolis this year at our Pizza Parties! At both of these Camp Foley get-togethers, we asked those who attended to share some things with us. What is your favorite memory from 2012: “Making up...