The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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Loon Fallout

Loon Fallout

A Loon Fallout is even more dramatic than it sounds... A Loon Fallout occurs when atmospheric conditions are such that the migrating loons develop ice on their body as they fly at high altitudes and...

Baby Animals!

Baby Animals!

  Earth Day is on Saturday, let's talk Nature! Summer has the beach, pool, and CAMP days, fall has beautiful foliage and pumpkin spice everything, winter has holidays and snow, but spring has...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Foley Friends are for Life.

Foley Friends are for Life.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again, a camp is a magical place. I recently had the opportunity to spend time with 4th sessions' Anchor Award recipient, Louis E., in his home city of St....

Environmental Education Always on the Mind

Environmental Education Always on the Mind

The school year is well underway and our campers are comfortably immersed back in their every day, hometown lives. As youth developers, our goal is to have a positive impact on youth year-round, not...

Grateful for YOU

Grateful for YOU

In 2016 we had a lot to be thankful for, from completing our 92 summers serving youth to welcoming many new campers into our Foley Family, to having the opportunity to cuddle with Nike and Norm on a...

Nearby Nature!

Nearby Nature!

Woah! How neat is that!? Countless students, teachers, parents, campers, and staff take the hike up Wolf Trail toward the Muck Pond each summer. Before we begin the trek, I always tell the group if...

Camp in all its Beauty

Camp in all its Beauty

Sunset over Whitefish Lake This fall, Mother Nature has blessed us with all of the weather we could possibly wish to experience in northern Minnesota. From temperatures reaching the 60's throughout...

The Supermoon of a Lifetime

The Supermoon of a Lifetime

Mark your calendars! November's supermoon is predicted to be beyond extraordinary as this will be the biggest, brightest, and closest full moon since January of 1948. By the way it sounds, seven...

Top 7 Reasons to Register EARLY for summer 2017

Top 7 Reasons to Register EARLY for summer 2017

Camp allows youth to unplug for the summer, spend time outside, and develop friendships with other campers from across the country and around the world. The experience sets to stage for a lifetime...

I is for Immersion

I is for Immersion

  Camp has its own special culture; traditions and history help to create an atmosphere that draws families back year after year, and our campers love feeling like a part of the Foley family. In...

H is for Happiness

H is for Happiness

  What does happiness mean to you? Does it mean having a lot of money to spend on expensive things, or perhaps something deeper? At Foley, everyone’s definition of happiness is different, but...

G is for Grit

G is for Grit

Grit is a very special word here at Foley, and it carries very special meaning as well. We see grit as the ultimate prize to be earned during a child’s time at camp; while ribbon awards are symbols...

Everyone at Camp is a Learner and a Teacher

Everyone at Camp is a Learner and a Teacher

I spoke recently to my little cousin, who is an active, bright, and funny girl. She likes cheerleading, playing with her puppy, and making music videos with her best friends. She also loves going to...

You May Know What a Minnesota Spring Looks Like…

You May Know What a Minnesota Spring Looks Like…

...but have you seen Japan? As most of us are finishing up our spring break festivities and travels, we at Camp Foley know that some of you went to some pretty cool places. And, in honor of the new...

Try Out Some of These April Fool’s Day Pranks!

Try Out Some of These April Fool’s Day Pranks!

Happy April Fool's Day, fun-loving Foleyites! It's the funniest day of the year today, and we hope you didn't think we would leave you without some creative, fun prank ideas. Use these on your...

Thank You, Johan Cruyff

Thank You, Johan Cruyff

We all know what it's like to watch the best of the best in action and think to ourselves, "I want to be like them someday." Having role models is such an important part of growing up and figuring...

Campers Abroad: Zambia

Campers Abroad: Zambia

Foley campers have an astounding sense of empathy and a desire to help others -- unsurprisingly, that doesn't end when camp does. Lessons of love and understanding stick with campers and staff long...

Home Away From Home

Home Away From Home

Finding belonging is a lifelong process and a roller coaster of emotions. We find that coveted sense of feeling welcome and loved in many ways -- through our family, our friends, fun new places, and...

F is for Faith

F is for Faith

  Camp Foley was originally founded by Father John P. Foley in 1924 and has proud roots in the Catholic faith. A lot has changed in 91 years, but to this day, campers sing grace before each...

The Bear-Necessities

We all know about the squirrels, woodpeckers, and turtles who inhabit the woods around camp, but today let us discuss a larger furry friend who also occasionally calls camp home- the black bear....

Hey kid!  Why do YOU love camp?

Hey kid! Why do YOU love camp?

“Mom, I don’t just love camp for the incredibly exciting activities. It is MUCH more than that.” What are the benefits of summer camp? This is one of the most frequently asked questions heard by...

It is so cold the ground is quaking…

It is so cold the ground is quaking…

A sudden cold spell has graced Foley with its lovely presence. We don't know about your feelings on the cold, but we were sure enjoying the 25°F days that we were fortunate to see during most of...

E is for Engage

E is for Engage

  There’s a place for everyone at Foley, regardless of interests or skill levels. We believe that every camper deserves to be engaged with camp life in their own special ways, whether it be...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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