The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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The Campers have spoken!

The Campers have spoken!

You ask, we deliver... Every summer at the end of each session, we have the campers fill out an Input survey. We ask all kinds of things, like what was your favorite activity, best evening program,...

Why We Donate to Camp

Why We Donate to Camp

It is the first week of Camp Moves Me! We have raised over $560 so far for kids to come to camp, and we want to continue on this great path to breaking $100,000 earned over the past 5 years! Last...

Camp Moves Me is about to BEGIN!

Camp Moves Me is about to BEGIN!

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! If you follow Camp Foley on social media (specifically Facebook or Instagram) then you have probably seen Foley Directors, Staff, and Campers participating in an...

Most Recent Posts from Camp Foley:

Camp Creature – The Bald Eagle

Camp Creature – The Bald Eagle

Eagle mid-flight. (Photo by Alli Faricy) Ever seen the majestic bird of prey that represents America as its National Symbol?  They are an impressive sight!  We are lucky enough to see them quite...

The Perk of Early Registration

The Perk of Early Registration

We have had an amazing start to early registration! Many returning families have signed up again for our Historic 95th Summer in 2019. In addition, we have had many new families register and we are...

Buoy Award – Striving for New Activities!

Buoy Award – Striving for New Activities!

As we reflect on another summer, it is easy to get lost in thought of all that our campers push themselves to achieve. Over the past few summers we have seen a rise in the number of campers striving...

Morning Fun & Free Swim: But What To Do?!

Morning Fun & Free Swim: But What To Do?!

Twice a day, campers are given a 30-minute break from activities to spend playing gaga ball, making friendship bracelets, shopping at a special canteen, going to Paddle Mania swim, or joining in a...

What it Means to be a Foley Counselor

What it Means to be a Foley Counselor

With the summer coming to a close, the staff reflected on their time working with campers, their personal growth, and the impact they had throughout the last eight weeks. It’s no small task to lead...

In response to the Wall Street Journal

In response to the Wall Street Journal

About 4 years ago I was invited to join a volunteer committee headed up by the American Camp Association and the Association of Camp Nurses. We were then, and continue to now, looking in to the MESH...

Meet the Staff!

Meet the Staff!

The 2018 staff has come from far and wide to make this summer the best one yet! There are seven international counselors coming from Mexico, Colombia, Australia, and England. Eleven hail from...

Bravery Is Learned

Bravery Is Learned

In Caroline Paul's Ted Talk "To raise brave girls, encourage adventure," Caroline discusses the importance of guiding our daughters to develop bravely, rather than foster the growth of fear in their...

Top 10

Top 10

Since the launch of our Foley Fact Videos, overall excitement for summer has been on the rise. Along with the facts those videos highlight, I also would like to point out a very broad fact - our...

5 Reasons Why…

5 Reasons Why…

First steps toward investigating independence. As a parent, it is important to know you have a support system backing you as you take on the beautiful task of raising children. Our mission at Camp...

Camp Creature: Striped Skunk

Camp Creature: Striped Skunk

"You won't believe what happened to me last night. I was out on one of my nightly walks around camp when my life flashed before my eyes. Well, that might be dramatic, but I did almost step right on...

A Home For All

A Home For All

Matt throwing up the double peace signs as he leads his squad on banquet day Since 2010, Foley has had the privilege to be the proud employer of more than 20 international staff members. The vast...

Thanks to Camp

Thanks to Camp

"Let's face it. The impact of camp can be hard to explain. We know it's more than s'mores, games and crazy costumes." - Canadian Camping Association Here's a shout-out to our neighbors to the north....

What Camp Foley Means to Mae

What Camp Foley Means to Mae

This Thanksgiving, as with every Thanksgiving dating back to 1924, we are thankful for our campers. This year we will put the spotlight on one of our Hall of Fame inductees, as we are incredibly...

Green Time AND Screen Time.

Green Time AND Screen Time.

Environmental Education Week has had me thinking even more than usual about Mother Earth and all she has to offer. My thoughts keep wandering to the youth we have the privilege of spending our...

Smooth Sailing into Summer ’17

Smooth Sailing into Summer ’17

The ice is out on Whitefish and we can't contain our excitement for the fast-approaching summer months! As we have watched the ice retreat and leave behind more and more open water, one specific...

Umuganda in Rwanda and also Gorillas

Umuganda in Rwanda and also Gorillas

This past February, I was lucky enough to travel to Rwanda and Uganda for a once in a lifetime experience photographing the Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees. The animals were of course very...

Camp Creature: Bullsnake

Camp Creature: Bullsnake

Crikey, Mate! Don't. Move. Do you hear that rattle sound? I know what you're thinking, "Dude, we don't have rattlesnakes up at camp." You are correct, but did you know...OH, LOOK! There it is - the...

Foley Friends are for Life.

Foley Friends are for Life.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again, a camp is a magical place. I recently had the opportunity to spend time with 4th sessions' Anchor Award recipient, Louis E., in his home city of St....

Environmental Education Always on the Mind

Environmental Education Always on the Mind

The school year is well underway and our campers are comfortably immersed back in their every day, hometown lives. As youth developers, our goal is to have a positive impact on youth year-round, not...

Grateful for YOU

Grateful for YOU

In 2016 we had a lot to be thankful for, from completing our 92 summers serving youth to welcoming many new campers into our Foley Family, to having the opportunity to cuddle with Nike and Norm on a...

Nearby Nature!

Nearby Nature!

Woah! How neat is that!? Countless students, teachers, parents, campers, and staff take the hike up Wolf Trail toward the Muck Pond each summer. Before we begin the trek, I always tell the group if...

Camp in all its Beauty

Camp in all its Beauty

Sunset over Whitefish Lake This fall, Mother Nature has blessed us with all of the weather we could possibly wish to experience in northern Minnesota. From temperatures reaching the 60's throughout...

The Supermoon of a Lifetime

The Supermoon of a Lifetime

Mark your calendars! November's supermoon is predicted to be beyond extraordinary as this will be the biggest, brightest, and closest full moon since January of 1948. By the way it sounds, seven...

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Plan for Summer!

We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!

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