The ice is out on Whitefish and we can’t contain our excitement for the fast-approaching summer months! As we have watched the ice retreat and leave behind more and more open water, one specific addition to the waterfront comes to mind, the Hartley 12s.

Picture this, you and three of your besties are nervously walking across Foley Green to join 3-4 sailing. I say nervously because this will be your first time sailing in a boat larger than a Bic. When you arrive, you are instructed on the necessary skills required to sail before you even head down to the boats (which helped one friend who has never sailed, but of course, you already learned in Sailing Bics). After hearing all this, your confidence is building and you head down the Marina steps and finally get a good look at the new, blue Hartley 12 sailboats, and woah are they beautiful.
As you and your besties begin rigging your boat, you realize these boats are nowhere near as intimidating as you thought. With the ample crew space, deep cockpit, and a high boom, you start thinking you don’t need to be a pro to enjoy sailing these boats. One of your friends, who is an experienced sailor, also looks excited as she explains how smoothly a Hartley 12 sails through big waves and she points out that it is a very stable boat so capsizing is unlikely. You and your friends set sail and enjoy the next hour out on Whitefish learning how to maneuver this Hartley 12. By the end of the summer you know you will be confident and ready to teach new friends the exciting art of sailing in the summers to come!
Hartley 12’s are a phenomenal sailboat to develop and enhance your skills and we cannot wait to see campers out sailing on Whitefish this summer!