Paint Check!
In this month’s activity spotlight, we will be focusing on a Camp Foley favorite… PAINTBALL! This activity has been around since 2005, and many campers since have passed through the gauntlet and survived. For those living under a rock, paintball is a...
All about Fencing…
Hello Everybody! Guess what… It’s my birthday! I, Ally Daily, have made it another year around the sun. So today in honor of me (Haha!) I thought we could use this blog to focus on my favorite activity at camp… FENCING! Fencing was first brought to...
Dive Right In!
This week I thought we could “dive in” on a very popular activity here at camp… DIVING! Here at Camp Foley, we have a diving tower that is installed every summer right before campers arrive, then taken down and stored in the winter… so it...