TBT: Learning to Shoot at Foley
One of my first memories of Foley, actually one of my first memories periods, is being at the Rifle Range with my Dad during family camp. Sitting in his lap while he held the .22 up for me, I tried to shoot at the paper targets downrange. I can’t remember whether or...
TBT: Zac and the Corn Snake
Calvin the Corn Snake! As I was getting packed up for my return to Camp Foley in 2013, it made me think about all the memories and friendships I made. One of the activities that I really liked to teach was the nature class. The campers were always excited to go on...
TBT: Parker Remembers Some Camp Dances
One of the favorite nights of the camp is the Grand Dance Festival. Campers dress up crazy and make their way to the Wabi for a memorable night of dancing like a fool with friends. As you grow up and out of camp, you’ll definitely remember a lot of the dance...