Hummingbird Parents and Summer Camp
I recently stumbled across a very interesting article . The title: “Hummingbird Parents”. In the article, provides seven ways a parent can let their child have independent play – outside – and still feel in control and aware of their...
Try Out Some of These April Fool’s Day Pranks!
Happy April Fool’s Day, fun-loving Foleyites! It’s the funniest day of the year today, and we hope you didn’t think we would leave you without some creative, fun prank ideas. Use these on your family or friends, and don’t be afraid to add your...
Thank You, Johan Cruyff
We all know what it’s like to watch the best of the best in action and think to ourselves, “I want to be like them someday.” Having role models is such an important part of growing up and figuring out who we were meant to be and what we were meant to...