Camper Blogs! Part 1
Journalism campers hard at work! This summer, we had some ROCKING Journalism classes. For one of the signups, some Foley campers had the opportunity to blog for and about camp! For the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing the camper-blogs with the Foley community a...
Music Monday! 2nd Session Lip Syncs
Check out our 2nd Session campers performing Lip Syncs this summer! Stay tuned 4th sessioners… your Lip Syncs will be featured on the next Music Monday! You can also check out the video on YouTube! 2nd Session Lip...
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
One of Camp Foley’s best traditions (in my professional opinion) is its birthday tradition. I love it when the entire Dining Hall sings “happy birthday” to someone as they stand on a milk crate and followed by the counselors surrounding the birthday...
TBT: Parker Remembers Some Camp Dances
One of the favorite nights of the camp is the Grand Dance Festival. Campers dress up crazy and make their way to the Wabi for a memorable night of dancing like a fool with friends. As you grow up and out of camp, you’ll definitely remember a lot of the dance...