Tater Tot Hotdish
Last summer, Joey P. (a five-year camper) said, “The food has changed my life. I mean it is so good.” And you know what, I would have to agree. When you sit down to a meal, how often is it a meal that someone whipped up for 200 of your closest friends and...Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Campers arrive in less than three months! So what better way to kick off our three-month countdown than by talking about everyone’s favorite… camp food! It may surprise those people that never came to Foley how much campers love the meals! Some meals have been...
TBT: 2009 CIT/LIT Campfire and More
2009 CITs and LIT 3s. A long time ago when I decided to join the LIT program at camp I had no idea how much it would change the rest of my life. It was a great way to spend time with my friends and be involved at Foley. In my last year of camp in 2009, I began to...
What Does Camp Foley Mean to Eric?
For those of you that have reached your fifth summer and are still putting off your “What Does Camp Foley Mean to Me?” essay, read how guest blogger and 2013 counselor, Eric Wilson, answered the question before he embarked on his third summer. Maybe it...