G is for Grit
Grit is a very special word here at Foley, and it carries very special meaning as well. We see grit as the ultimate prize to be earned during a child’s time at camp; while ribbon awards are symbols of achievement in activities, grit is the trophy received when campers...
Camper Creations: Aline
This is an original story written by one of our campers… Aline By: Crystal L. Artwork by: Crystal L. Two Years Ago – Prologue – Aline’s Point of View “I will defeat you!” I shouted through gritted teeth. My name is Aline. I am a...
What Parents Should Know Before Summer Camp
It’s that time of year again when parents begin the very important camp search. For families that haven’t found their children’s “summer home,” this can be a very daunting task. While parents that know which camp their children will...