Feb 28, 2019 | Campers, Parents
Our mission here at Foley is, ‘We partner with parents to drive campers to grow, gain grit, investigate, and build independence.’ But what does that truly mean for me (the parent)? As parents, you are probably starting to get to the end of your summer...
Jan 17, 2019 | Youth Development
Now that we’re about halfway through National Thank You Month and a couple of weeks into our New Year’s resolutions, (keep it up!) we want to encourage saying ‘Thank You’ beyond just the month of January. Did you know it takes 66 days to form a...
Mar 29, 2018 | Parents, Youth Development
In Caroline Paul’s Ted Talk “To raise brave girls, encourage adventure,” Caroline discusses the importance of guiding our daughters to develop bravely, rather than foster the growth of fear in their everyday lives. Why should girls be any less brave...
Dec 7, 2017 | Alumni, Campers, Summer Job
“Let’s face it. The impact of camp can be hard to explain. We know it’s more than s’mores, games and crazy costumes.” – Canadian Camping Association Here’s a shout-out to our neighbors to the north. The Canadian Camping...