That’s right, the 2 week session is back in 2024! Along with our extremely popular 3 week sessions and 2 very special 5 and 6 week options. But which session is the best choice for your family?… 2 Weeks! This is our “Primer” session, great...
I recently stumbled across a very interesting article . The title: “Hummingbird Parents”. In the article, provides seven ways a parent can let their child have independent play – outside – and still feel in control and aware of their...
Packing for Camp Foley: 5 Hacks from a Type A-/B+ Mom I am Jana, mom of Axel (10) and Jules (8). This will be their 3rd and 2nd year at Foley this summer! Future Jana thanks past Jana. On the back shelf, deep in the abysses of my children’s closets is a laundry bag...
At camp, campers are constantly on the “go, go go.” From the time campers wake up, their schedule is packed activities. They can be out on Whitefish Lake all day, other days they are singing, dancing, crafting and creating! From the moment campers open their eyes...
Believe it or not the start of first session is less than 100 days away, which seems both very soon and very far away. Alli Faricy recently spent a week in Portland, OR at the American Camp Association national conference connecting with other camp directors...
Our first session of 2021 is coming to an end. We can’t believe how fast three weeks really can fly! We want our campers to have a positive reentry into their normal lives while taking with them all the memories they made and skills they gained here at camp....