The History of Camp Pets!
Either Yogi or Kayzak… How much do you love camp’s dogs, Nike and Norm? I mean… they are playful, adorable and always provide some entertainment when they are around. Not surprisingly, Nike and Norm are not the first “camp pets.” We...
Grand Dance Festival
One of the most anticipated events of each session is the Grand Dance Festival. This is a night of dancing, singing, and an ice cream treat for all of our campers to enjoy one of the final days to spend all together as a whole camp. Some campers love the dancing,...
History of Archery
Here we are with another installment of our History Blogs! This one will focus on the history surrounding Archery as an activity here at Camp Foley! Archery has been around since the beginning of Foley History and is very popular still today! Check out how Archery has...
The LITs focus on Social Justice
The University sponsored the event This summer our LITs (Leaders in Training) participated in The Maverick Social Justice Camp. This camp is part of Minnesota State University Mankato programming and was completely virtual. The Maverick Social Justice Summer Camp aims...