Everything you need to know about Frost Quakes
This past Saturday we had something wild happen here at Foley… Around 2-3 pm on Saturday, January 4th, those of us living here near Foley and Whitefish Lake experienced mysterious loud booms and ground tremors. This is called a frost quake, or cryoseism—this can...
The Lost Winter of 2023-24
Where is all the snow? If you are a Minnesota local you might have noticed this year’s winter season was very different. Here at Camp Foley, we definitely FELT the difference! What little snow we got was gone by January, there are no giant snow piles, icy sidewalks,...
Ice Ridges on Whitefish
So, maybe I am the only one that has never heard of an ‘Ice Ridge’, but after this winter I now know what they are! Take a look at what Whitefish Lakes massive ice sheet can do. Now what are Ice Ridges? Ice ridges are caused by the pushing action of a lake’s ice...