Something recently caught our attention on the Children & Nature Network website. The title of the post, “The Importance of Being Durable: Building Natural Strength in Our Kids” immediately made us think of “grit,” an important part of...
It’s hard to believe that our summer officially ended on Saturday. We said goodbye to our remaining counselors on Friday and our summer ADs headed out Saturday morning (after one last wake surfing session). After 10 weeks of non-stop Camp Foley fun, everything...
We love when our campers submit things for us to post on the blog. During a Journalism class First Session, one of our campers, Thomas R., created a sweet comic about the Dark Squad. Enjoy… ...
We’ve been throwing around the word GRIT for a few years now at Camp Foley. The definition, according to Google, is: courage and resolve; strength of character and is synonymous with courage, tenacity, and perseverance. Foley-GRIT is defined as the courage to...
Have you ever woken up and thought to yourself… “If only I could have Camp Pancakes for breakfast. Because if I could, I would undoubtedly ace that test, dominate that speech in English and get all of my homework done before Survivor!”? Because that...