F is for Faith
Camp Foley was originally founded by Father John P. Foley in 1924 and has proud roots in the Catholic faith. A lot has changed in 91 years, but to this day, campers sing grace before each meal and attend Catholic or non-denominational services every Saturday...
E is for Engage
There’s a place for everyone at Foley, regardless of interests or skill levels. We believe that every camper deserves to be engaged with camp life in their own special ways, whether it be through intense activities like wakeboarding and archery or through...
D is for Dog
Nike & Norm in Staff Uniforms Norm on a Boat Two common sights around Camp Foley are Norm and Nike, the camp dogs. While Nike is known for her fluffy, teddy bear appearance (she is a mini Golden-doodle), excitability, and overall carefree nature, Norm is a bit...