The Rattlin’ Blog

News and Ideas from Camp Foley

With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.


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Gaby Carries That Foley Feeling Into Adulthood

Gaby Carries That Foley Feeling Into Adulthood

The following blog submission is written by Foley alumnus, Gaby Driessen. Gaby is the daughter of, Martha Lopez, who was among the first “class” of female Foley campers back in 1974! As a...

Let’s Get Physical

Let’s Get Physical

The beginning of the new year always has an increase in one’s desire to become more physically fit. I always find that people have the desire to start working out but lack the knowledge to develop...

A Serious Need For Free Play

A Serious Need For Free Play

“When I was a kid, we played outside with no adult supervision, we didn’t need electronic gadgets to amuse us or coaches to tell us how to have fun”. I personally remember on many occasions my own...

Chris & Kyle Revamp the Wabi

Chris & Kyle Revamp the Wabi

Look at what we’ve done…or, should I say…"Look at WABI DONE!" During the spring of 2011, I was faced with the reality that Camp was in need of extra space! What with extra activities and increasing...

The importance of playing with your children

The importance of playing with your children

I am totally happy as a parent when I am outside “playing” with my children. A highlight over Christmas vacation was the adventures on frozen Whitefish Lake! We walked, we skated, and we played with...

4 City Tour

4 City Tour

Hi everyone! Once again it is time to check in on all those great Foley reunions happening around the world. This month we are going to focus on the ones that Foley sets up...the beloved Pizza...

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