Switching Sessions? Try Something New!
How many of you have gone to one particular session in your whole camp career? Did you know each session has a unique group of kids who come to camp and unique programming you might not experience in another? The first session starts fresh and gets camp rolling for...
As the saying goes, let’s “Disconnect to Connect”
Unplugging Our Kids. Steve Baskin hits the nail on the head when he says, “a fulfilling life starts with face-to-face, interpersonal connections.” Check out this insightful TedTalk to hear from another source why helping our kids unplug is so crucial in...
The Foley Beach
It has been a dream of ours to add a beautiful stretch of beachfront to our Camp Foley paradise. This fall, our dream came true! All of the stars aligned when a nearby neighbors property went up for sale and we took the necessary steps to make it ours. And let us tell...
Meet the Staff!
The 2018 staff has come from far and wide to make this summer the best one yet! There are seven international counselors coming from Mexico, Colombia, Australia, and England. Eleven hail from Minnesota and the rest of the 35 have traveled from all over the US. Before...