noun: gratitude
- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Each day at Camp Foley brings an over-abundance amount of gratitude from the depths of my being.
What am I grateful for?
1. Campers: New or old, smiling or tearful, successful or struggling. Each one growing, showing grit, demonstrating independence, and investigating so much in the camp environment.
2. Counselors: The giving, caring, and befriending of all the campers.
3. Parents: Their financial, supportive, and encouraging role to their camper as they make camp possible!
4. Nature: Chrystal clear waters of Whitefish Lake, gorgeous sunsets, and shining stars.
During this Thanksgiving weekend, let us all take a moment to thank those, near and far, who have had an impact on our lives and whose friendship and support make it possible for us to do new things and accomplish the goals we have for our lives.