The Rattlin’ Blog
News and Ideas from Camp Foley
With contributions by Campers, Staff, Directors, Parents and outside sources, the Rattlin’ Blog is your one-stop-shop for all things camp. See videos, read what kids have to say about camp and find out about camp culture.
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Countdown To Camp:

Transitioning to 3 weeks…
We are very excited for our upcoming 2021 summer! As many of you know, this summer we are switching to 3 week sessions. We decided to do this for a multitude of reasons... Camps that offer longer...
Happy Love Day
This Sunday is Valentine's Day! We here at Foley are always full of love for our campers, parents, alumni, and for Camp Foley itself! We think it is very important to take the time to show your...
A Guide to Mastering Camp Mail with your Camper
The thirty minutes after fourth period are some of the most exciting for campers each day. Not only do they get to have candy or ice cream (canteen), but mail from home is handed out. All...
It’s Lego Day
Today is International Lego day! We here at Camp Foley love Legos! And in 2016 we made this love permanent by creating a whole building designed for using and storing Legos! So today I'd like to...
A cure for homesickness?
Hey Parents! It may only be October, but school (online or otherwise) will be over before you know it... Soon you'll be packing the kids up to come to Camp Foley! While everyone is super excited...
The History of Camp Pets!
Either Yogi or Kayzak... How much do you love camp's dogs, Nike and Norm? I mean... they are playful, adorable and always provide some entertainment when they are around. Not surprisingly, Nike and...
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We’re so excited to meet you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Camp Foley and how much fun we’ll have this summer!