This Fall is flying by! We are 24 days into October and that blows our mind. Do you know what else blows our minds? That over 160 people have donated and raised over $6,300 for the Camp Foley Scholarship Fund! Thank you to everyone who has donated and is helping to make it possible for more kids to experience a summer at Foley.
Hear from some of our participants on how their individual efforts are going for this campaign!

“This view (to the left) has been my view for 130+ miles this month. I’ve been taking spin classes three to four times a week to hit my goal of 150 miles. I cycle quite often, but I’m usually only getting 80-100 miles a month. So 150 is no small feat.
The highlight of my month was the support I’ve received from my coworkers at The Lacek Group. Not only have they donated over $400 to Camp Moves Me, they continuously ask about my progress and provide a lot of encouragement. The hardest part about my Camp Moves Me participation? Offering up a five-song playlist to people that donate $25. It’s so much more difficult than I thought it would be. (Poem writing though for $10 has been surprisingly easy.)
I’ve never been a participant in Camp Moves Me; in the past I’ve only donated. This year I chose to participate because I wanted to try something physically outside my routine. But more importantly, I chose to participate because I love camp and wanted to find a way to support more kids having the chance to go camping.”
Kieran O’Connell and Emily McGuire
“Camp Moves Me this year has inspired me to be active all month long, even while adjusting to a new city and a crazy new schedule. There’s no better time to explore a new place than in October, and luckily I have one of my best camp friends, Emily McGuire, to show me how good fall looks in Omaha.
Our passion for camp will never fade, and being able to pass on our love of Foley to more campers is reason enough to get moving and raise donations. Camp Foley has provided a summertime paradise for me, my sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and mom for the past 3 decades. We can’t go one holiday without talking about some memory sailing on Whitefish, trekking up to Upper Mosquito Treehouse, or laughing about old camp songs that have been taught to us over the years.
Camp doesn’t just give you something to do for 2 weeks in the summer, it gives you skills to use more than you think you will, stories to tell in new places, and lifelong friends to rely on and reminisce with. If every kid could go to summer camp at least once, I believe the world would be a better place.”
Kevin Beltz
“For camp moves me, I’ve been moving in three ways: biking, hiking, and running. I decided to include three activities this year because I doubled the miles from last year (from 100 to 200) and last year in October I ended up going on two backpacking trips that I couldn’t count because I was only counting biking miles. In addition to these movements, I’ve surfed three or four days, rock climbed a ton, and done yoga a ton!
“This is my third fall participating in Camp Moves Me, and while the focus remains the same my experience has been vastly different. Since I am living in Guatemala right now, not only are my runs a great deal more beautiful than the boring streets of Nebraska but what I see every day reminds me of how great summer camp can be for a child.
I have seen first-hand many times what a positive impact camp can have on a child’s life and how it will positively impact them for life, which is why I am so happy and proud to be raising money for Camp Foley this October.”
Kylie Beltz
“I don’t know where to begin to describe my attachment to Camp Foley. It has been such an influential part of my life and has given me a valuable set of skills I continue to use every single day. Constantly, I find myself thinking about camp and wishing every kid got the opportunity to go.
Learn more about our October fundraiser here.