Foley is quiet for now.
We wrote a blog about what a camp day is like for assistant directors here at Foley, but what do we do when the campers are all gone? Come take a peak behind the curtain….
Just check out our Maintenance Monday posts on Instagram and you’ll see that it’s not just Maintenance Mike having fun around Foley. The whole admin team helps out around Camp at times to get projects done on the grounds. For example, in November Joe and I finished helping Mike haul all the leaves that fell from the trees around camp. We blow them into piles, rake them onto tarps, and load them into a big truck to be taken away. We have tree trimming to do, and sidewalk edging. Checking on cabins and making sure they are all ready for the long winter ahead. In fact we deep clean almost all the buildings in the fall! We had help this year from some amazing volunteers Maggie and Kat! We are a small but mighty crew here at Foley, and together we keep the grounds looking beautiful.
Program Planning
Another big part of the off season is program planning! How do you think Alpha Games and Late Night Adventure happen each summer? Because we take the time to plan it in the winter! That’s right! We spend months perfecting our camp programming so it will be perfect when the campers arrive. The counselors help us during the summer make the magic happen with all the programs, but it is very important to have a well thought out plan in place. For example, last year Alpha Games was called Battle on the Board, themed to be a giant board game throughout camp. I made sure I had the part of the game board ready for counselors to lead with clear instructions. I also planned out what equipment I would need, and what we might need to order. That was why when summer rolled around, I had giant dice, timers, game pieces and alpha powder all ready to go. A good plan is key to a good program!
Camper Outreach
If you were a new camper or new parent last year you already know about our AD zooms. A huge part of our mission here at Foley is to partner with Parents to help their kids develop each summer. We start that partnership way before the summer starts. Joe and I try to reach out and connect with each new camper that registers, preferably with a zoom call. This helps us get to know the camper better, but it also helps that camper know who they can come to if they need help right away here at Foley. Knowing a familiar face when you are brand new can go a long way.
Professional Development
We are always trying to better ourselves and being a part of the American Camp Association gives the opportunity for lots of professional development. Joe and I along with Alli and Marie attend conferences in the fall and spring that focus directly on being a camp director/admin and different strategies to put into practice all throughout camp. Discussions range from staff hiring, program ideas, camper mental health. and more! We have learned so many different things that have been put into practice here at Foley. We have learned about new games to play with kids, different trainings to add to staff week, and even how to improve cabin living for all campers.
This is a small look at what we are up to during the off season months. But we are always waiting for summer to come back! Make sure you are registered for our 100th summer!